Thursday, June 30, 2005

Do you bamboo?

My husband just called. The installers are at the condo and they said there shouldn't be any problem with the curled bamboo strips. They said that curled edges are OK. If the wood twisted, then there would be a problem. The work should be done by 3pm. I'm so excited. I'm sitting here at my desk, and I have that tingly, anxious feeling in my stomach.

I'll drop by there after work today - I can't wait until tomorrow morning to see the floors. Isn't that strange? I'm excited about my floors.

On another note, my old roommate from college called me. I love my roomie. She's one of my best friends, and I am so happy for her. She's getting married this November. Yea! I'm going to be a bridesmaid, and she called to tell me to pick out a bridesmaid dress from this site: Jordan Fashions. There are so many on there, I don't know what to do! I haven't had a chance to look at all of them yet. I just know she's going to have it made in a wine color. So, the big step now is to give her dressmaker my measurments. Nothing like seeing your 'numbers' on paper to make you want to lose weight. My goodness! After the move, I have less than five months to workout and trim down!!!

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