Thursday, June 30, 2005

My favorite sounds

It's a multi-post day! I just came back from getting my lunch and I passed by two police officers on horseback. There was a moment of quiet and I was able to hear one of my favorite sounds. The clip-clop of horse hooves on pavement. I LOVE that sound. Of course, the quiet was broken by a shirtless man on the corner with an electric guitar starting up his next performance piece.

Some of my other favorites sounds...

Walking on gravel
The ocean wave crashing onto the shore (no seagulls in the background please)
Rain landing on my umbrella
Monte purring in my lap
Monte purring while eating (I guess he loves his food)
The sudden quiet that falls over an audience when the opening notes of a show begins - even through the music, you can hear the silence.

Do you have a favorite sound to share?

1 comment:

lumlumaaaaaaah said...

The sound of my head hitting the pillow. Ha ha! Can you tell I'm a new mother?