Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Tsunami warning!?!

My best friend in LA called me up tonight. He said he was watching TV when suddenly an Emergency Broadcast System alert came on the screen. You know what's funny? I've seen those EBS tests on TV since I was little, but only until recent years have I actually seen them used for warning people.

Anyway, my friend called and was very concerned. He said that they were broadcasting warnings about a possible Tsunami hitting San Francisco. My initial reaction was unbelieving, of course. When has there ever been a Tsunami in California? Apparently, there was a 7.4 earthquake off the coast from Eureka - and they were worried about a possible Tsunami forming.

I wasn't scared. I asked my husband to check out some news channels to see if we could find anything about this earthquake. Of course, it was only 9 something - so there wasn't any news on. As I was working on the computer, my husband called out to me about the EBS alert. The warning was for the entire coast of California - all the way up to Vancouver. They said that if there was a Tsunami, it would hit the coastline around 9:23pm tonight. That was only 10 minutes away at that time. I still didn't worry, but I did light some candles, just in case the lights went out. I hate blackouts. Always makes me think a killer is hiding in the closet or something. We'll it's 10 something now, and apparently the alert was canceled. Lucky us.

1 comment:

lumlumaaaaaaah said...

Ha ha. When I heard the warning I thought they had all gone mad. I asked my hubby disbelieving if they had lost their minds and he agreed. "Paranoid," he said.
But if there was in fact a real tsunami, well, BRING IT ON! I love catastrophies! Oh how I LOVE them. Where are you, dear Tsunami, where art though?