Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Flower Power/Happy Memories

One simple knit flower. That's all I'm looking for. A simple flower to add onto the scarf I'm creating for my best friend. I did a search on Google for a simple pattern and came up with 641,000 finds. Obviously, I'm not going to look through all of them, but after looking through several sites, I haven't been able to find a simple, cute, FREE pattern yet! I did find one site that had very cute flowers - but if I want to learn how to make them, I have to buy the book. For $10, I think I will probably have to go to the library and see if I can find a book there instead. I haven't been to the library, aside from school libraries, since I was 10 or 11.

Funny, I used to love going to the library. Favorites memories of my beloved grandfather include our daily trips to the local playground. After hours of swings and searching for tennis balls long lost and forgotten by those 'pro' players in the courts below the yard, we would stop by the public library on the way back home. Another hour later, my arms would be filled with story books that I knew my grandfather would read and embellish for me. I used to find sign language books fascinating, and I would pick Chinese story books with the most interesting pictures. It didn't matter that I couldn't read the calligraphy, I had my grandpa. Those days faded as I got older and eventually stopped when I reached 6th or 7th grade. I miss those days. Special hours - just me and my grandpa. He passed away 16 years ago (has it really been that long?) when I was almost finished with my first year of college. I miss him every day. OK - gotta stop now. Getting teary like I always do when I think of him...

I love you gong gong! I miss you terribly. It still hurts.

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