Monday, June 27, 2005

Tagged! I'm it!

Hmmm, from a long list, I have to pick 5 question starters and complete the sentence... what to do, what to do....??? The pressure! The pressure!

OK, after some long thought, here are my selections and answers. Now, in case you don't really know me, I have BIG dreams, and if I did have the means and ability, I would try to accomplish these goals.

1. If I could be a chef... I would open my own restaurant in Beverly Hills where all the stars would come. I would be able to put together delicious works of art in a moments notice. Most important, my guests would have a really good time in my restaurant and the service must be superub. Heck, even Wolfgang and Emerile would actually come ask me for advice in the kitchen. (Told you I dream BIG)

2. If I could be a writer… Actually I am sort of a writer. At least that's what I majored in - emphasis in Creative Writing. My goal is to write an Oscar winning screenplay, or at least get on the NY Times Bestseller list. Really. I want to entertain people, and I have many ideas, just need to get them down on paper and find a way to get it published. I think of my stories like a live action movie, so it's hard to break that down onto paper. J.K. Rowling is my idol. I wish I had the creative flow like her to come up with this amazing story that the world loves. I love Harry Potter.

3. If I could be a scientist... considering I sucked big time in my science courses, if I made it to actually become a scientist, then that's a miracle in itself. Assuming I was brainy like that, I would like to really concentrate on finding, if not a cure, then some way of managing allergies. There's got to be SOMETHING in the world that can help the poor souls out there, myself included, to have a sneeze free day.

I'll have to think about the last two... This is kind of hard!

Oh, and to my buddy Korallin, those are AWESOME pictures of the baby! I didn't know that was possible. It's incredible that we're able to see your little girl so clearly! What a treasured memory to show her one day. Amazing.

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